Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister : Moldova leaves Russian heritage behind and decides to follow European path of development / Moldova își lasă în urmă moștenirea rusă și decide să urmeze calea europeană de dezvoltare


– EU integration is not just about following rules and regulations, it is about unlocking opportunities and ensuring that all Moldovans have the right to a better and more prosperous life. This is not a task that can be done in one or two days. Together with my colleagues from the government, I am committed to working tirelessly to accelerate the process of aligning our legislation and implementing EU standards. Together we will build a European Moldova – said Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova in an interview with Warsaw Enterprise Institute as part of the „Pentru Moldova – For Moldova” project.

– Integrarea în UE nu înseamnă doar respectarea regulilor și reglementărilor, ci este despre deblocarea oportunităților și asigurarea faptului că toți moldovenii au dreptul la o viață mai bună și mai prosperă. Aceasta nu este o sarcină care poate fi finalizată în una sau două zile. Împreună cu colegii mei guvernamentali, mă angajez să lucrez neobosit pentru a accelera procesul de aliniere a legislației noastre și de implementare a standardelor UE. Împreună vom construi o Moldova europeană – a declarat Dumitru Alaiba, viceprim-ministru și ministrul Dezvoltării Economice și Digitalizării Republicii Moldova, într-un interviu acordat Institutului de Întreprinderi din Varșovia în cadrul proiectului „Pentru Moldova – Pentru Moldova”.

Why did Moldova decide to follow the European path of development after so many years of Russian influence?

For better orientation, let me explain an important aspect of our history: the Russian influence that Moldova endured for many years was not something desired by anyone in our country, but rather imposed directly by Moscow. We in Moldova have always been a nation closely connected, mentally and spiritually, with Europe. Therefore, the fact that we now want to strengthen our ties with the European Union is a natural step for us, especially after regaining freedom.

Moldova has chosen to follow the European path of development for several fundamental reasons, rooted in our unwavering commitment to peace, democracy, freedom and the rule of law. This decision is not merely political; it reflects the will of our people to build a prosperous and stable future. In recent years, we have witnessed the negative consequences of Russian influence, characterized by blackmail and intimidation. Moldovans realize that such tactics only lead to instability and volatility in our market, which is overly dependent on unpredictable political decisions. Our citizens aspire to a better life, looking for opportunities for development and a stable, developed economy. Deep down, we believe in human rights and democratic values, which are the foundation of the European Union. Therefore, it is natural for Moldova to align itself with EU countries that share these common values ​​and goals. We have embarked on a long journey, and our progress speaks for itself. In 2009, 75 percent of our trade came from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States; Currently, 70% of our trade is with the EU, EFTA, the UK and the US, while trade with Russia has fallen to just 3%.

This transformation demonstrates our commitment to building strong economic ties with European partners who understand the benefits of a market governed by clear rules and fair competition. Since signing the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) with the EU ten years ago, our exports to the EU have grown rapidly, accounting for about 65 percent of Moldova’s total exports. The European Union has become our most important economic partner, reflecting the steady growth of trade that underlines our decisive position on this path. The EU is our main development partner and the largest donor, supporting our socio-economic reforms through various cooperation instruments.

Moldova își lasă în urmă moștenirea rusă și decide să urmeze calea europeană de dezvoltare

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